Monday, March 9, 2015

It's ALIVE!!!!!

Wow! People women always tell you "child birth is the hardest thing you'll ever have to endure" HA, try starting a BLOG! Granted, it's pretty simple on the surface, but, the actual sitting down, deciding what to write, and how much of your self to expose is the tough part! BUT...I did it!!! I welcomed a 9lb 11oz baby blog into the world today folks and it feels good *giggle*. This has been in the works for a few years now. I put it off for a bunch of reasons; I was always too busy, or someone I knew had just started their own, or I was just being lazy. Well here, now, today, I decided to STOP making since I'm unemployed, I don't really have anything else going on (more on that later). Anyway, hopefully someone will read this, and maybe even like it.